Pāli: āraddhaviriya
English: Energetic to practice the Supreme Buddha’s teachings.
Arahant Anuruddha said, with the Supreme Buddha’s approval,
This Dhamma is for one who is energetic, not for one who is lazy.
AN 8.30 Anuruddha Sutta, Anuruddha and the Great Thoughts (සිංහල)
Āraddhavīriyassāyaṁ dhammo, nāyaṁ dhammo kusītassa.
Why is this? Because without being energetic, it is impossible to practice the four Right Efforts.
“And what, friends, is right effort? Here a monk generates desire for the non-arising of unarisen evil unwholesome states, and thus, he makes effort, arouses energy, makes his mind determined, and strives hard.
“He generates desire for the abandoning of arisen evil unwholesome states, and thus, he makes effort, arouses energy, makes his mind determined, and strives hard.
“He generates desire for the arising of unarisen wholesome states and thus, he makes effort, arouses energy, makes his mind determined, and strives hard.
“He generates desire for the continuance, non-disappearance, strengthening, increase, and fulfillment by development of arisen wholesome states, and thus, he makes effort, arouses energy, makes his mind determined, and strives hard. This friends, is called right effort.
141 Saccavibhaṅga Sutta, Discourse on the Analysis of the Noble Truths
The Supreme Buddha declared that of all of his monk disciples, the Arahant Soṇa Koḷivisa was the best when it come to being energetic, āraddhaviriya. Remember, he spent so much time practicing walking meditation that his feet bled and covered his walking path with blood.
We know that having energy can also help us to be reborn in the heavenly worrld:
Then the Venerable Anuruddha went to the Blessed One, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to the Blessed One, “Here, Bhante, with the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, I see women, with the breakup of the body, after death, being reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. When a woman possesses how many qualities, venerable sir, is she reborn in this way?”
“When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. What are the five?
“She has faith (saddho ca hoti), she has a sense of shame (hirimā ca hoti), she is afraid of wrongdoing (ottappī ca hoti), she is without anger (akkodhano ca hoti), she is energetic (āraddhavīriyo ca hoti) and is wise (paññavā ca hoti). When a woman possesses these five qualities she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.”
SN 37.22 Āraddhavīriyasutta, Energetic
Once the Arahant Mahā Moggallāna said to the Supreme Buddha, “Sir, they speak of one who is energetic. How is an energetic person defined?” The Buddha replied,
“Moggallāna, it’s when a mendicant lives with energy roused up: ‘Gladly, let only skin, sinews, and bones remain! Let the flesh and blood waste away in my body! I will not stop trying until I have achieved what is possible by human strength, energy, and vigor.’ That’s how a person is energetic.”
SN 21.3 Ghaṭasutta, A Mound of Salt
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu ???