From the first part of the Ariyapariyesana Sutta, we can learn about Supreme Buddha’s great respect towards the Dhamma and what Bhikkhus should do when gathered together.
We can also learn one of the two types of searches: the ignoble search. Being subject to birth, ageing, sickness, death, sorrow and defilement, beings go in search of things of this same nature.
Namo Bhuddaya! I really enjoyed how this bhante explained all the things are subjected to birth in a way that could clearly be understood. I learnt about how there are times which dhamma should be preached and in ways suitable to the occasion.
This Dhamma talk was well done! I learned a lot of new things! I learned that being subject to birth ties in with being subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow and defilements.
Namo buddhaya! I have learnt a lot of this video. I really love how the bhante explains this as a story and how the buddha always advises the bhikkus about talking about the buddha. I also learnt about being subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow and defilements.
Namo Bhuddaya! I really enjoyed how this bhante explained all the things are subjected to birth in a way that could clearly be understood. I learnt about how there are times which dhamma should be preached and in ways suitable to the occasion.
This Dhamma talk was well done! I learned a lot of new things! I learned that being subject to birth ties in with being subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow and defilements.
Namo buddhaya! I have learnt a lot of this video. I really love how the bhante explains this as a story and how the buddha always advises the bhikkus about talking about the buddha. I also learnt about being subject to ageing, sickness, death, sorrow and defilements.