See What A Buddhist Girl Did During the Lockdown
Inspiration from a young employed girl going through lockdown.

The Buddha’s Path to Enlightenment
Did you know of the path which leads to the end of suffering.

The Buddha’s Path to Happiness | Buddhism in English
Would you like to overcome suffering? Learn about the Path to Happiness!

A True Investment Part – 3
In the final part of the Nidhikhanda Sutta we learn about the value of parents and the great power of good deeds.

Watch: A True Investment – Part 2
When investing in good actions, we need to know a little bit about how they work. In this episode, we learn about how our actions are our only true possession. To illustrate this part of the Nidhikhanda Sutta, we will learn a very beautiful Dhammapada verse.

Watch: Light of Life
When people do not know what dark and light is, they head to darkness and avoid the happiness of light. This wonderful teaching was delivered by the Buddha to a King in The kingdom of Kosalans, India.

Watch: Hunter’s escape
See the refuge and the protection of meeting monks and associating with kalyana mittas, spiritual friends. This hunter avoided unimaginable suffering and got to experience the bliss of Nibbana, only because of meeting monks.

Watch: A True Investment – Part 1
The Buddha understood exactly how we should invest our time and material resources to ensure happiness both in this life and future lives.

Watch: Study Your Mind
Do we really know what we should be concerned about in life? And does that protect us, or cause us more trouble? The Buddha teaches us that developing strength of mind is the most important thing to ensure our happiness.

The Buddha’s Path to Happiness
Learn to practice the Buddha’s path to happiness.

Compassionate Almsround
Lay people offer dana out of compassion for monks. But did you know that monks also accept dana with compassion. Although he was a very powerful, senior monk, Arahant Maha Kassapa went out of his way to accept alms from the lowest in society who needed merit the most.