Vesak Message for 2565

Join us with your whole family for an online one-day retreat to commemorate the Three Great occasions of our Supreme Buddha’s life.


Watch: Importance of Binara Poya

The beginning of Bhikkhini Sangha took place on a Binara full moon poya day. In this sermon you will learn the eight conditions imposed by the Buddha to grant female lay people the chance to obtain ordination in the Bhikkhuni Sangha.


Esala English Sermon

The Esala full moon poya marks the anniversary of the Supreme Buddha’s preaching of the first sermon, the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta.


Poson English Sermon

On the Poson full moon poya we celebrate and remember the great gift of Dhamma that Arahant Mahinda brought to the Land of Lanka. In this sermon we learn about the three people who arise in the world for the great benefit of all living beings: a Samma Sambuddha, an arahant disciple of the Supreme Buddha, and a disciple who teaches the Dhamma of a Supreme Buddha.
