Deegawapiya: Sixth of Sixteen Sacred Places in Sri Lanka

Deegavapi, which means long reservoir in Pali, is one of the 16 places which has been blessed by the Buddha’s presence.

Photo: Limiotp1, Deegawapiya, CC BY-SA 4.0

Significance of Digavapiya 

  • On the third visit to Sri Lanka Lord Buddha arrived in this meritorious land on the Vesak full moon poya day 
  • Supreme Buddha spent time there with Arahants observing the attainment of extinction 
  • The noble nail relics of supreme Buddha are deposited here 
  • This was built by King Saddathissa 
  • This is situated in the region where King Dutugemunu was born 

Stanzas to worship Digavapiya

නිසඡ්ඡ යස්මිං භගවා සසාවකෝ
ඛණං සමාපත්තිසුඛං සමප්පයී
සරීරධාතුං හි නිධාන කාරිතං
නමාමි චේතිං සිරි දීඝවාපිකං

Nisaccha yasmiṃ bhagavā sasāvako
Khaṇaṃ samāpattisukhaṃ samappayī
Sarīradhātuṃ hi nidhāna kāritaṃ
Namāmi cetiṃ Siri dīghavāpikaṃ

How to Worship

  • When entering the stupa switch off phones, remove hats and shoes. 
  • Worship the Stupa the moment you enter with the thought “Our Blessed One is right in front of me…”
  • If there are flowers, joss sticks, leaves or litter fallen, in the Sa Maluwa you can clean it.
  • You may make offerings such as water, flowers, incense sticks etc.
  •  You can chant Pirith, meditate, and make a wholesome wish to be free from lust, anger and delusion and attain Nibbana in this Gautama Buddha’s Dispensation

Directions to Divaguhawa

Directions from Colombo: About 7 hours ( 399.5 km )Via Southern Expressway

Directions from Kandy: About 5 hours(229 km) Via Ampara-Uhana-Maha Oya Hwy/A27

Contact Information: Phone 0633 632 531


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