Unwise, foolish people indulge in sense pleasures. They are caught up in negligence. But the wise protect diligence as their best treasure.
Dhammapada 26
Read all the verses in the chapter Diligence on SuttaFriends.org in Pali and English.
Unwise, foolish people indulge in sense pleasures. They are caught up in negligence. But the wise protect diligence as their best treasure.
Dhammapada 26
Read all the verses in the chapter Diligence on SuttaFriends.org in Pali and English.
Difficulty in taming the mind. (2 min)
How to end hatred? (2 min)
In this verse, the Supreme Buddha describes the diligence of great Arahants (1 min)
How not to be overpowered by Mara? (2 min)
Worthy of the yellow robe. (2 min)
In this verse, the Supreme Buddha tells us the great power of diligence. (1 min)