Udet’ayaṁ cakkhumā ekarājā – Harissavaṇṇo paṭhavippabhāso
Taṁ taṁ namassāmi harissavaṇṇaṁ paṭhavippabhāsaṁ. Tay’ajja guttā viharemu divasaṁ.
The sun, the one king with eyes, rises, spreading golden rays, and illuminating the great earth. I pay homage to you the sun, spreading golden rays, and illuminating the great earth. Guarded today by you, may I live through the day.
Ye brāhmaṇā vedagū sabbadhamme – Te me namo te ca maṁ pālayantu
Namatthu Buddhānaṁ namatthu bodhiyā – Namo vimuttānaṁ namo vimuttiyā.
Those Arahants who are knowers of all truths, I pay homage to them. May they keep watch over me. Homage to the Enlightened Ones. Homage to the Four-fold Enlightenment. Homage to the Liberated Ones. Homage to their Liberation.
Imaṁ so parittaṁ katvā moro carati esanā.
Having made this protection, the Bodhisatta-peacock sets out in search of food.
Apet’ayaṁ cakkhumā ekarājā – Harissavaṇṇo paṭhavippabhāso
Taṁ taṁ namassāmi harissavaṇṇaṁ paṭhavippabhāsaṁ. Tay’ajja guttā viharemu rattiṁ.
The sun, the one king with eyes, descends, spreading golden rays, and illuminating the great earth. I pay homage to you the sun, spreading golden rays, and illuminating the great earth. Guarded today by you, may I live through the night.
Ye brāhmaṇā vedagu sabbadhamme – Te me namo te ca maṁ pālayantu.
Namatthu Buddhānaṁ namatthu bodhiyā – Namo vimuttānaṁ namo vimuttiyā
Those Arahants who are knowers of all truths, I pay homage to them. May they keep watch over me. Homage to the Enlightened Ones. Homage to the Four-fold Englightenment. Homage to the Liberated Ones. Homage to their Liberation.
Imaṁ so parittaṁ katvā moro vāsamakappayī’ti.
Having made this protection, the Bodhisatta-peacock lived happily.
Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
By this truth, may there be well-being!
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Translation from The Mahamevnawa Pali English Paritta Chanting Book.