This Paritta Chanting book is perfect for anyone who wants to know the English meaning of all the traditional Pali protective chants.
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Table of Contents
Preparation for Paritta
1. Saranāgamanaṁ Taking the Three Refuges
2. Buddhānussati Recollection on the Buddha
3. Dhammānussati Recollection on the Dhamma
4. Sanghānussati Recollection on the Saṅgha
5. Satta Buddha Vandana Homage to the Seven Supreme Buddhas
6. Lōkāvabōdha Suttaṁ The Discourse about Realizing the World
7. Jaya Mangala Gāthā Stanzas of Joyous Victory of the Buddha
Mahā Paritta: The Major Section
8. Maha Maṅgala Suttaṁ Discourse on Blessings
9. Ratana Suttaṁ The Jewel Discourse
10. Karanīya Metta Suttaṁ Discourse on Loving Kindness
11. Mahā Jayamaṅgala Gāthā Stanzas of Great Joyous Victory
Paṭhama Bhānavāra: First Section
12. Khandha Parittaṁ Loving Kindness towards Royal Tribes of Snakes
13. Mettānisaṁsa Suttaṁ Discourse on the Benefits of Spreading Loving Kindness
14. Mora Parittaṁ The Bodhisatta-Peacock’s Prayer for Protection
15. Canda Parittaṁ Discourse Given to the Moon Deity
16. Sūriya Parittaṁ Discourse Given to the Sun Deity
17. Dhajagga Parittaṁ Discourse about the Tops of Flags
Dutiya Bhānavāra: Second Section
18. Mahā Kassapatthera Bojjhaṇga Suttaṁ Discourse on Enlightenment Factors preached to Arahant Kassapa
19. Girimānanda Suttaṁ Discourse to Girimānanda Thera
Tika Bhānavāra: Third Section
20. Dhammacakkappavattana Suttaṁ Setting In Motion the Wheel of Dhamma
21. Saccavibhaṅga Suttaṁ Discourse on the Analysis of the Noble Truths
Extra Discourses
22. Kasībhāradvāja Suttaṁ The Discourse to the Brahmin Kasībhāradvāja
23. Ālavaka Suttaṁ Discourse to Ālavaka the Demon
24. Vasala Suttaṁ Discourse on the Outcast
Ending Discourses
25. Isigili Suttaṁ Discourse Preached at Isigili Mountain
26. Dhammacetiya Suttaṁ Discourse about the Monuments to the Dhamma
27. Aṭṭhavīsati Paritta Protective Chant Of Twenty-Eight Buddhas
Sub Section
28. Mahāsamaya Suttaṁ Discourse about the Great Assembly
29. Ātānātiya Suttaṁ Discourse on Ātānātiya
30. Paṭicca Samuppāda Samudayo and Nirodho Arising and Cessation of Causality
31. Mittānisaṁsa Suttaṁ The Benefits of Friendship
32. Mahā Moggallānatthera Bojjhaṇga Suttaṁ Discourse on Enlightenment Factors Preached to Arahant Moggallāna
33. Mahā Cundatthera Bojjhaṇga Suttaṁ Discourse on Enlightenment Factors Preached to the Blessed One
34. Parābhava Suttaṁ Discourse on Downfall
35. Anavum Paritta Invitation Chant
36. Jinapañjara The Buddha’s Mansion
37. Aṅgulimāla Paritta Protective Chant of Arahant Aṅgulimala
38. Jalanandana Paritta The Protective Chant Relating to the Delight in Water
39. Caturārakkhā Four-Fold Protective Contemplations
40. Buddhānussati Recollection on the Buddha
41. Mettā Loving-Kindness Meditation
42. Asubha Meditation on Impurities of the Body
43. Maraṇsati Mindfullness of death
44. Aṭṭha Mahā Saṁvegavatthu Eight Sorrowful Stages of Life
45. Narasīha Gāthā The Stanzas Of The Lion of Men