Meditate after Work: Oct 2 Teachings Recap

  • Taught the reality of food, the disgusting nature food
  • How to put yourself in anothers place
  • The 10 right views
  • Practice the qualities in karaneeyametta sutta

When people do not know the reality of food, at times people become happy enjoying food, at times gets angry, fedup and sad too. The reason for these problems were taught with the help of the Buddha’s realization on food.

These Dhammapada stanza’s were taught to develop equanimity when people at work or home.

Sabbe tasanti daṇḍassa,
sabbe bhāyanti maccuno;
Attānaṃ upamaṃ katvā,
na haneyya na ghātaye.

129. All beings tremble at violence. All beings fear death. Putting yourself in the place of another, do not kill or influence others to kill.

Sabbe tasanti daṇḍassa,
sabbesaṃ jīvitaṃ piyaṃ;
Attānaṃ upamaṃ katvā,
na haneyya na ghātaye.

130. All beings tremble at violence. Life is dear to all. Putting yourself in the place of another, do not kill or influence others to kill.

The path of Dhamma never develops without having the 10 right views. The ten right views were taught.

1. There are results in giving
2. There are results in helping and giving services to others.
3. There are results in veneration and making offerings.
4. There are fruits and results in good and bad actions (kamma).
5. There is a place called ‘this world’.
6. There is a place called ‘other world’ (there is a life after death).
7. There is a special person called mother.
8. There is a special person called father.
9. There are beings who are born spontaneously.
10. There are good and virtuous recluses & brahmins in the world who have realised this world and the other world by themselves through their own knowledge.

Emphasised to develop the good wholesome qualities in Karaneeyametta sutta

The section that was explained from Chachakka Sutta

Ear consciousness … Nose consciousness … Tongue consciousness … Body consciousness … Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and thoughts. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for the arising of what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral. When you experience a pleasant feeling, if you delight, praise,  and keep clinging to it, the underlying tendency to greed lies within you. When you experience a painful feeling, if you sorrow and wail and cry, beating your breast and falling into confusion, the underlying tendency to repulsion lies within you. When you experience a neutral feeling, if you don’t truly understand that feeling’s origin, ending, gratification, danger, and escape, the underlying tendency to ignorance lies within you. Monks, without giving up the underlying tendency to greed for pleasant feeling, without dispelling the underlying tendency to repulsion towards painful feeling, without eradicating ignorance in the case of neutral feeling, without giving up ignorance and without giving rise to knowledge, it’s simply impossible to make an end of suffering in the present life.

Join us today Wednesday October 9nd to continue learning the Chachakka Sutta and practice a meditation based on this sutta.

Get details on the next program, Meditate after Work @ Bambalapitiya