Mihintale: Fifteenth of Sixteen Sacred Places in Sri Lanka

Only 12 km away from the historic city of Anuradhapura. Mihintale is the place where Buddhism first blossomed in Sri Lanka. 

Significance of Mihintale

  • For Kakusanda Lord Buddha it was “Dev Kuuta” Mountain. (40,000 Arahants)
  • For Konagamana Lord Buddha it was “Saman Kuuta” Mountain (30,000 Arahants)
  • For Kassapa Lord Buddha it was “Subha Kuuta” Mountain (20,000 Arahants)
  • Our supreme Buddha arrived with 500 Arahants
  • After 236 years of Buddha Parinibbana Arahant Mahinda arrived to this place with great compassion towards us.
  • Firstly, the Sri Lankan people listened to Dhamma sermons, and the lay devotees who took refuge to the triple gem were formed. The first monk was ordained on this island. The first Arahant attained Arahantship on this island.
  • Dhamma was first preached to devas 
  • The noble relics of our great teacher were brought to Mihinthalaya first
  • The great Arahants even spent the first rain retreat here. 
  • The chamber of Arahant Mahinda is also situated here.
  • The stupa consisting of the relic of the white soft wisp of hair in the centre of the brow of the supreme Buddha deposited in the eight crooked gem is situated here. 
  • Sachchaka who was in the city of Visala was born in Sri Lanka. After becoming ordained he became an Arahant and preached the Kalakarama Sutta near Kanchaka Stupa after worshipping.
  • Arahant Mahinda attained Parinibbana in Mihinthalaya. After the cremation of the body a stupa was built by depositing the relics of Arahant Mahinda. The stupa is now dilapidated.
  • Apart from that the sixty eight caves , Serpon Lake(Naga Lake) and the stupas of great Arahants are situated. Chullahaththipadopama Sutta should be described

Places to Visit

  • Ambasthala Stupa – place where the great Mahinda Thero met the King Devanampiyatissa
  • Mihindu Guha-the place where the great Arahat Mahinda  sat and meditated
  • Kaludiya Pokuna-place where the great Arahant Mahinda had
  • Ashta Pala Bodhi Tree– One of the first eight bodhi saplings of the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi Tree.
  • Aradhana Gala– the place where the great arahant invited the gods to listen to Dhamma
  • Mihindu Maha Seya– the Arahant Mahinda Thero’s relics will be enshrined here.

Things to do

  • You can offer flowers to the Sela Seya and worship our Great Teacher
  • You can help to rebuild the Mihindu Seya by carrying bricks up the Mihintale

Verses to worship

සසාවකෝ යත්ත නිසජ්ජ සත්ථා
වරං සමාපත්ති සුඛං පවින්දි
ධාතුං පතට්ඨාපිත මුණ්ණරෝමං
සිලාමහාථූපමහං නමාමි

Directions to Mihintale

About 5 hours from Colombo(221 km) via Kandy Jaffna main road.

Open Hours: All day


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