SN 46:14 Maha Kassapatthera Bojjhanga Sutta, Discourse on Enlightenment Factors Preached to Arahant Kassapa
The Supreme Buddha recites the Enlightenment Factors to Arahant Mahā Kassapa to help him overcome illness.

AN 4:68 Khandha Paritta, Loving Kindness towards Royal Tribes of Snakes
The Supreme Buddha teaches us how to practice loving-kindness towards all living beings and get protection against creeping creatures.

Ja 159 Mora Paritta, The Bodhisatta-Peacock’s Prayer for Protection
The verses of protection chanted by Bodhisatta-Peacock which protected him from all dangers.

Itv 112 Lokavabodha Sutta, The Discourse about Realizing the World
Learn about the meaning of the word Tathāgata and the Supreme Buddha’s excellent knowledge.

Mittanisamsa Sutta: The Benefits of Friendship
In this Sutta the Supreme Buddha explains the benefits of good friendship.