Have you ever seen a baby before? I think you have, haven’t you. Do you remember when you were a baby? Probably not. But you know for sure that you were a baby at one point. And if you think about it you will probably know that when you are reborn, you have to be a baby again don’t you. But do we think about this every time we see a baby? No. But the Supreme Buddha wanted us to remember every time we see a baby that we have to be a baby if we are reborn in samsara. Today we’ll learn all the things to watch out for that remind us about samsara.
5:40 Sermon on the Divine Messengers
12:06 Buddhanussati meditation. Read online, download a PDF or MP3.
23:00 Kavi: Sadu! Sadu! Mama Gautama Munindu Sarana Yanne. Read online.
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