When the Supreme Buddha was still alive, people would go and ask him all kinds of questions. Some people asked questions to try and trick the Buddha, but some wise people asked very important questions, and so they got very important answers. We’ll meet one of these wise people today. His name is Bhadraka. Actually the word bhadraka means a fortunate person. And this Bhadraka really was a bhadraka because he was fortunate to learn the cause and ending of suffering from the Supreme Buddha’s own sacred mouth. And we’re also a bhadraka because we get to learn this too.
5:23 Sermon on the Bhadraka Sutta
13:47 Voice of Enlightened Nuns: Therigatha. Get a copy of the print book or listen on line for free.
15:26 Buddhanussati meditation. Read online, download a PDF or MP3.
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