On the programme we talk a lot about how when we practice generosity it leads to being wealthy in the future. The Supreme Buddha says this again and again. Well, today we are going to learn five more benefits of giving. Some of these benefits we can even see right now in this very life. They are good to remember, so I recommend that you write them down in your special Monks in the Morning Journal. You do have a place where you keep track of what you’re learning don’t you? All you need is a small notebook you can keep with you when you listen. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but it’s good to keep it just dedicated to things that you learn on the show. That way it will be easy to go back and look things up later.
The Benefits of Giving: Dānānisaṃsa Sutta AN 5.35
“Monks, there are five benefits of giving. What five?
- A giver, a donor is dear and beloved by many people.
- Good people associate with them.
- They get a good reputation.
- They don’t neglect a layperson’s duties. (keeping the five precepts)
- When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. These are the five benefits of giving.”
5:56 Sermon on Dānānisaṃsa Sutta AN 5.35 The Benefits of Giving
11:11 Metta Bhavana: Loving Kindness Meditation Download PDF or MP3.
22:23 Verses of Arahant Nadī Kassapa
Related Book
- The Voice of Enlightened Monks: Theragatha. Get your own copy.
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