Today we are going to listen in on a discussion that some of our good Dhamma friends had with one of the venerable monks about their time in lockdown. Now some of you may be listening to this episode long after the corona virus happened and you may not remember what it was like. So to protect ourselves and our friends, wise leaders asked people to stay at home whenever possible. This way the virus won’t spread to other people. It isn’t a punishment, it’s a way to keep everyone safe. For many, many people who don’t understand the Supreme Buddha’s teachings this situation gives them lots and lots of suffering. Because they can’t go where ever they want, they can’t see the people the like to see, they can’t eat the food they like to eat. But in this Dhamma discussion, we will learn how these kids were able to live happily in this situation even though they were scared and couldn’t do the things they were used to doing.
5:46 Dhamma Discussion
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