In the last episode we started to learn about two sisters who practiced giving. Because of that giving, they were both reborn in heavenly worlds. Do you remember their names? One was called Bhadra, that means lucky, or fortunate. The other one was called Subhadra. That means very lucky or very fortunate. And as it turned out, Subbhadra really was more fortunate. Why? Because of the intention she had when she gave the gift. Now we are going to get to learn what that very good intention was.
5:16 Sermon on the Daddallavimānavatthu Sutta
15:07 Dhammapada Verses 1 & 2
17:47 Buddhanussati verses Meditation. Read online or Download PDF.
- Dhammapada: What Does the Buddha Really Teach. Get your own copy or read online for free.
- Stories of Heavenly Mansions from the Vimanavatthu Get your own copy. Or read online.
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