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1 _”Cetanāhaṁ, bhikkhave, kammaṁ vadāmi. Cetayitvā kammaṁ karoti, kāyena vācāya manasā.” Oh monks, it is intention that I call kamma.Intentionally someone does an action by body and collects kamma.Intentionally someone speaks and collects kamma.Intentionally someone thinks things with the mind and collects kamma. 2 “Katamo ca, bhikkhave, kammānaṁ nidānasambhavo?”How does kamma form? “Phasso, bhikkhave, kammānaṁ…

Chattamanavaka Gatha | The greatest protection one could get in his life
The heavenly result of recollecting the qualities of the Triple Gems wholeheartedly.

MN 19: Dvedhāvitakkasutta – Two kinds of Thought
Read this Sutta to find out how the Bodhisatta removed all unwholesome thoughts!

AN 8:41 The Uposatha With Eight Factors, In Brief
The proper way to think when observing the eight precepts.

SN 56:48 Dutiyachiggaḷayuga Sutta: A Yoke With a Hole
What are your chances of being born in the human world? What are the chances of being born when we can hear the Dhamma?

The Verses of Arahant Nun Rohiṇī
Hear how Arahant Rohinī praised the Sangha to her father when she was still a lay woman.

Snp 2.1 Ratana Sutta: Jewels Discourse
This sutta was given by the Supreme Buddha when there was a great famine and infestation of dangerous non-human beings in Vesali. Still we chant this sutta for protection today.

Snp 2.4 Maha Mangala Sutta: Discourse on Blessings
The Supreme Buddha teaches a humble devata about ways that we can collect blessings into our lives.

Snp 1.8 Karaniyametta Sutta
The Supreme Buddha teaches how to practice loving-kindness meditation.

AN 5.31 With Princess Sumanā
Learn about the power that giving has in our life, whether we are born the human world, in the heavenly world, or if we become a monk.

SN 10:12 Ālavaka Suttaṁ: Discourse to Ālavaka the Demon
The Supreme Buddha defeats the Demon Ālavaka with the power of his wisdom.

AN 7.67 Nagaropama Sutta, The Simile of the Citadel
“Mendicants, when a king’s frontier citadel is well provided with seven essentials and gets four kinds of sustenance when needed, without trouble or difficulty, it is then called a king’s frontier citadel that cannot be overrun by external foes and enemies. With what seven essentials is a citadel well provided? Firstly, a citadel has a pillar…