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MN 21: Simile of the Saw
In this Sutta the Supreme Buddha explains how to overcome hatred and deal with unpleasant speech. So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Now at that time, Venerable Phagguna of the Top-Knot was mixing too closely together with the nuns. So much so that…

Pv 1.12 The Snake: Uragapetavatthu
A beloved son of a family died but none of the family members cried at his death. The son, reborn as the god Sakka, came to the family disguised as an old man and asked them why they didn’t cry. Father: Just as the serpent sheds its old skin and abandons it, humans also abandon…

SN 1.12 Delight: Nandatisutta
What the world sees as a source of happiness, the Supreme Buddha knows to be suffering.

The Verses of Arahant Nun Subhā, Who Dwelled in the Jīvaka Mango Garden
The Great Arahant Nun Subha proclaims the Dhamma to a rogue in the forest.

SN 56:11 Dhammacakkappavattana Suttaṁ: Setting in Motion the Wheel of Dhamma
Chant the first sermon of the Buddha.

SN 42:11 Bhadraka Sutta
Learn how the Supreme Buddha wisely taught the second and third noble truth to a village headman by relating it to his personal experience.

The Story of Sukha the Novice: All Success Comes from Merit
Dear Dhamma friends, dear children, Some people only get the chance to collect merit very rarely. On that occasion, by thinking wisely, they do meritorious actions. If they don’t think wisely they will miss the chance. This story is about a wise person who took the greatest advantage from the opportunity he received. A long…

MN 20 The Removal of Distracting Thoughts; Vitakkasanṭhāna Sutta
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. There he addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus.”—“Venerable sir,”they replied. The Blessed One said this: “Bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu is pursuing the higher mind, from time to time he should give attention to five signs. What are…

Dhammapada: Santati the King’s Minister
Dear Dhamma friends and children, We can not predict how we could fully realize the Buddha’s teachings. This can only be known by a Buddha. The Buddha’s eye is endowed with two special knowledges. One of the knowledges is asayanusaya. From this knowledge one can see a record of a person’s faults and difficulties they…

Dhammapada 121: Fill Your Life with Good Deeds
This religious instruction was given by the Supreme Buddha while he was in residence at Jetavana with reference to Treasurer Catfoot, Biḷālapādaka. For once upon a time the residents of Sāvatthi banded themselves together and gave alms to the Congregation of Monks presided over by the Buddha. Now one day the Teacher, in returning thanks,…

SN 7:2 The Brahmin Akkosaka the Abuser
The Buddha was endowed with enormous good qualities and had nine main unique qualities that are only to be found in a Buddha. The first quality was, the Buddha became an Arahant, that means free from lust, anger and delusion that pollute and tarnish our life. So in this Sutta you will witness how Buddha…

AN 7:53 Nanda’s Mother, Nandamatu Sutta
Learn about the seven amazing qualities of the lay disciple Nanda’s Mother. They even impressed the great Arahant Sariputta.