Sadu! Sadu! Mama Gautama Munindu Sarana Yanne

1. Rāga dvēsha mōha nometi – sitakin yutu vannē
Endowed with a mind free of lust hatred and delusion,

sil samādhi guṇa nuvaṇeti – nivan suvaya dannē
Being virtuous, wise with a concentrated mind, experiencing the happiness of Nibbana

tun lova ven̆duman lebumaṭa – nitiyen himi vannē
Always worthy to receive reverential salutations from the beings from the three worlds.

arahaṁ yana guṇayen yutu – budu himi naman̆dinnē
Venerating the Great Buddha, accomplished with the quality of Araham. 

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – budu himi naman̆dinnē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha.

2. Guru upades kisivak neti – ṛiju gamanaki yannē
Following a straight path without the guidance of a teacher

perum purā gena ā bala – rekavaraṇeṭa ennē
having the protection of the power of perfections completed

dasa bala budu nuvaṇa etiva – tun lova jaya gannē
Winning the three worlds with the Buddha’s wisdom of the Ten Powers

sammā sambudu guṇa yutu – budu himi namadinnē
Venerating the Buddha accomplished with the quality of Samma Sambuddha

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – munin̆du saraṇa yannē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha

3. Kelesun tora nuvaṇa etiva – pera bhavayan dannē
With wisdom and no defilements, seeing the previous lives

ipadena marenā sasarē – ati tatu veṭahennē
The Buddha understanding the true nature of the endless births and deaths

hiru san̆du lesa nuvaṇa etiva – dahamē hesirennē
Having wisdom like the sun and the moon, lives according to the Dhamma

vijjācaraṇin yutu vū – budu himi namadinnē
Venerating the Buddha, accomplished with the quality of Vijacharanasampana

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – munin̆du saraṇa yannē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha.

4. Sundara vū nivan men̆gahi – son̆din veḍamavannē
The Buddha Follows the wonderful path of Nibbana

amā nivan suvaya vin̆dina – sitakin yutu vannē
dwelling with a mind enjoying the bliss of Nibbana

sita kaya vacanaya hema viṭa – son̆duruva pavatinnē
Well restrained is the bodily, verbal and mental conduct

sugata guṇen yutu gautama – munin̆dun namadinnē
Venerating the Buddha accomplished with the quality of Sugatha

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – munin̆du saraṇa yannē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha

5. Devlova bam̆ba lova manu lova – satara apā dannē
Knows very well about the Divine worlds, Brahma worlds, human world and the four bad destinations

kala kam pala demin satun – e e tena yannē
Wandering in the world according to the Karma that give results

lova upadina lovin midena – maga menavin dannē
Knowing the paths very well that leads to birth in the world and to escape from the world

lōkavidu guṇayen yutu – budu himi namadinnē
Venerating the Buddha accomplished with the quality of Lokavidu

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – munin̆du saraṇa yannē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha

6. mahā kāruṇika guṇa eti – budu neta yomu vannē
The Buddha’s eyes with great compassion, directed for the people’s benefit

desanā viṭa siri sadaham – lova damanaya vannē
While preaching the sublime Dhamma, beings get tamed in the world

sasarē sarisarana satun – eyin etera vannē
The beings wandering in Sansara escape by this help

anuttarō purisadamma – sārathi nam vannē
this is the quality of Anutharopurisadhammasarathi.

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – munin̆du saraṇa yannē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha

7. devlova bam̆balova devivaru – baṇa asumaṭa ennē
Heavenly beings from divine worlds, brahma worlds, come to listen to the Dhamma

manulova nuvaṇeti minisun – nivan magehi yannē
Wise humans in the human world follow the path to Nibbana

devi minisungē uttama – guru devin̆dun vannē
The Buddha is the teacher of Devas and Humans

satthā dēvamanussānaṁ – budu himi namadinnē
Venerating the Buddha accomplished with the quality of Sathadevamanusanam

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – munin̆du saraṇa yannē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha

8. lō sata vin̆dinā duka gena – pehadili karaminnē
Buddha explains the suffering that beings experience in the world

duken midena nivan labana – maga gena pavasannē
Preaches the path to overcome suffering and to attain Nibbana

caturārya satyaya gena – avabōdhaya dennē
Giving the realization of the Four Noble Truths

buddha guṇen yutu sambudu – samin̆dun namadinnē
Venerating the Buddha accomplished with the quality of Buddho

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – munin̆du saraṇa yannē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha

9. apa munin̆duge budu nuvaṇaṭa – hiru san̆du paradinnē
The wisdom of the Buddha surpasses the light of the sun and the moon

sīla samāhita guṇayaṭa – lovama vasan̆ga vannē
The whole world is enchanted by his qualities of virtue and concentration

diyen uḍaṭa vit vihiduṇa – piyumak vilasinnē
Like a lotus that has bloomed above the water

bhagavā yana guṇayen yutu – budu himi namadinnē
Venerating the Buddha accomplished with the quality of Bhagava

sādu! sādu! mama gautama – munin̆du saraṇa yannē
Sadu sadu I go for refuge to the great sage Gotama Buddha.