177 Sharing Merits with the Gods

Recently we learned about sharing merits with ghosts. But I think you know that we often also share merit with gods as well. Today we’ll hear a story about two …


172 Shocked by Impermanance

How have you been doing with your job of being an investigator? Remember I asked you to start looking around you to see if you could find anything that lasted …


169 Does It Last Forever?

Today we are going to become investigators. An investigator is someone who likes to look very carefully at things and discover the truth. Because we have minds that are very …


168 Share Things, Share Happiness

Yesterday we learned three things that help us to get along with people. Do you remember what they are? Showing people loving-kindness to people with our bodies, showing people loving-kindness …


167 Harmony Happiness

Today we are going to learn advice from the Supreme Buddha on how to live in harmony with people. Do you know the word harmony? When we live in harmony, …


166 Happiness in a Dungeon

Have you ever been stuck somewhere you didn’t want to be? If we can’t be content where we are, then it’s hard to be happy. Today we are going to …


165 Happiness from Contentment

Today we are going to talk about a very special word, a word that if we can remember and practice it, it will be really easy to be happy. That …


164 Our Minds Have Power

Today we are going to think about how powerful our minds are. Just by thinking, we can collect good or bad karma. Today the Bhante is going to give us …



9 Buddha Qualities, abandon suffering, aggregates~khanda, alcohol, anger, animal world, anuttaropurisadammasarati quality, araham quality, Aṅgulimāla Arahant, bad association, bhagava quality, Buddha's Teaching in English, buddhanussati meditation, Buddhism, Buddhism English, Buddhism in English, Buddhist, Buddhist etiquette, Buddhist Teachings, Buddhist Teachings in English, chanting, Chattamanavaka Gatha, compassion, confidence~saddhā, courage, craving, Culla Kammavibhanga Sutta, dana, dana for monks, death, Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, dharma classes near me, English Buddhism, Enlightenment, evil deeds, first noble truth, Four Noble Truths, friendship, ghost world, giving~dāna, good actions, gratitude, greed, guided meditation, heaven, ignorance, impermanence~anicca, jataka, jealousy, karma, Katina, Katina Clothing, kids dhamma school, killing, life of Buddha, Life of Buddha with English Subtitles, Load Buddha, lokavidu quality, losing loved ones, loving-kindness~mettā, lying, Maha Satipatthana Sutta, Mangala Sutta, marks of a great man, meditation, merit~puññā, Mihintale, mindfulness~sati, Mora Paritta, Mundane Right View, nibbāna, Noble Eightfold Path, noble truth of suffering, non-attachment, Offering Katina Robes, online dhamma school, ordination, origin of suffering, parents, paritta, patience, pilgrimage, practice, precepts, psychic powers, pujas, Pāli, rains retreat, Rainy season, rare human birth, Ratana Sutta, respect, right speech, right view, sacred places, Sakka God, sammasambuddho quality, samsara, Sangha, sangha dana, Second Noble Truth, sexual misconduct, similes, Sri Lanka, Story of Buddha, stress, Suprime Buddha, Sāriputta Arahant, Taking advice, Third Noble Truth, Triple Gems, uposatha, Vas Season, Venerable Maha Moggalana, Vesak, vijjacaranasampanno quality, virtue~sīla, wisdom, Work, worldly conditions, wrong view