142 When is Giving Useful?

Today we are going to meet a very wise disciple of the Supreme Budha named princess Sumana. I know that she is wise because she went to the Supreme Buddha …


141 Happy Merit on Pilgrimage

Today we are going to listen to a Dhamma Discussion where one of the Bhantes interviews a couple of kids from the Dhamma School about the many trips they have …


138 The Demon Alavaka is Tamed

Today we have a special show. There’s a sutta that I’ve been wanting to chant with you, but it’s a little long. So today we’re dedicating the entire show to …


137 Seven Years of Merit

Have you ever practiced loving kindness meditation? Well, today we are going to learn a sutta that talks about the benefits that the Supreme Buddha gained by practicing loving kindness …


135 Words We Like to Hear: Mangala Sutta Part 3

Today we’ll learn three more blessings from the Mangala sutta. We’ll also create blessings by practicing loving-kindness meditation. Contents 6:41 Sermon on Mahamangala sutta.15:12 Metta Bhavana: Loving Kindness Meditation Download …


129 Being Undefiled

Today we are going to learn about the defilements. Another word for defilements could be impurities. So when we eat food, we don’t like it to have any impurities in …


128 What’s Going on With Christmas?

Today we’ll we’ll learn what Christmas is all about. Unless one of your parents or relatives are Christians, you may not know what the significance of Christmas is and why …



9 Buddha Qualities, abandon suffering, aggregates~khanda, alcohol, anger, animal world, anuttaropurisadammasarati quality, araham quality, Aṅgulimāla Arahant, bad association, bhagava quality, Buddha's Teaching in English, buddhanussati meditation, Buddhism, Buddhism English, Buddhism in English, Buddhist, Buddhist etiquette, Buddhist Teachings, Buddhist Teachings in English, chanting, Chattamanavaka Gatha, compassion, confidence~saddhā, courage, craving, Culla Kammavibhanga Sutta, dana, dana for monks, death, Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, dharma classes near me, English Buddhism, Enlightenment, evil deeds, first noble truth, Four Noble Truths, friendship, ghost world, giving~dāna, good actions, gratitude, greed, guided meditation, heaven, ignorance, impermanence~anicca, jataka, jealousy, karma, Katina, Katina Clothing, kids dhamma school, killing, life of Buddha, Life of Buddha with English Subtitles, Load Buddha, lokavidu quality, losing loved ones, loving-kindness~mettā, lying, Maha Satipatthana Sutta, Mangala Sutta, marks of a great man, meditation, merit~puññā, Mihintale, mindfulness~sati, Mora Paritta, Mundane Right View, nibbāna, Noble Eightfold Path, noble truth of suffering, non-attachment, Offering Katina Robes, online dhamma school, ordination, origin of suffering, parents, paritta, patience, pilgrimage, practice, precepts, psychic powers, pujas, Pāli, rains retreat, Rainy season, rare human birth, Ratana Sutta, respect, right speech, right view, sacred places, Sakka God, sammasambuddho quality, samsara, Sangha, sangha dana, Second Noble Truth, sexual misconduct, similes, Sri Lanka, Story of Buddha, stress, Suprime Buddha, Sāriputta Arahant, Taking advice, Third Noble Truth, Triple Gems, uposatha, Vas Season, Venerable Maha Moggalana, Vesak, vijjacaranasampanno quality, virtue~sīla, wisdom, Work, worldly conditions, wrong view