How To Make Offerings Respectfully? | Mirror of Dhamma for Kids | Episode 13

How do we make offerings in a respectful way? It is important that as much as we have the desire to collect merits by offering things, we should do so in a respectful manner. If not, there could be dangerous consequences. Hence, let us learn the ways that offerings should be made through the Buddha’s teachings and as disciples of the Buddha may we have the ability to follow these ways and gain enormous merits.


SN 35:133 The Brahmin Lady Verahaccāni

When people are thinking about coming to a teaching activity with monks, some are concerned about how to act. This sutta from the Samyutta Nikaya (Connected Discourses) explains the physical …

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AN 9:17 Families

Many people are concerned about how to act around monks. This sutta from the Anguttara Nikaya (Numerical Discourses) explains good behaviour on the part of lay disciples. We may not …

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