Buddha, The Marvelous Sage | Achchariya Manusso | A Book About The Life of the Supreme Buddha
A book borne of an unshakable faith towards the Blessed One. (6 mins)
A book borne of an unshakable faith towards the Blessed One. (6 mins)
Give it a try yourself and you’ll realize the significance of it!
Can you remember the three knowledges we learned in the last episode? The three things that the Supreme Buddha was able to see and understand on the night of his …
Today we will learn more about the Arahaṁ quality of the Supreme Buddha. Do you remember the story we learned about the monks being happy with the food given to …
Today we’ll learn more about the arahaṁ quality of the Supreme Buddha. I should also mention that usually when we see the word arahaṁ written, it will end with the …
Today we are going to learn about the meaning of the word arahaṁ. I know you’ve said this word maybe even 100 times before. It’s one of the qualities of …
Today we will learn the eighth quality of the supreme Buddha from the itipiso gatha, his Buddho quality. This quality means that the Supreme Buddha taught everything that he realized …
Today we’ll learn about the Supreme Buddha’s Satta devamanussanam quality. It’s kind of related to the Anuttaro Purisadhamma Sarathi quality, Supreme teacher of people to be tamed. But today’s quality …
Today we’ll talk about one of the worlds the Buddha understood perfectly, the animal world. We can see some animals have extremely beautiful bodies. We might even be jealous of …
Do you know the meaning of Sugato? Surely you have chanted it hundreds of times in the Itipiso verses. It has a very specific meaning and we’ll learn it together …
The world can be a confusing place sometimes, can’t it? Things seem to happen for no reason. But the Supreme Buddha didn’t see the world like this. He knew exactly …
Today we are going to learn a new quality of the supreme Buddha called Vijja carana sampanno. You know for us, we can only know the things we can see …
Today we’ll learn the story of a god who had some wrong ideas because he didn’t have good friends around him to teach him right from wrong. He ended up …
On today’s program, we’ll learn the next quality of the Supreme Buddha: SammaSamBuddho. We’ll also learn the simile of the simsapa forest, one of the most famous similes that the …
On today’s program, we’ll learn a little more about the Supreme Buddha’s Araham quality. The mind of an ordinary person goes up and down when things in life go good …