This is Why We Shouldn’t Do Any Evil Deeds

How scary is it to be born in such a family that does not follow the Supreme Dhamma? If you are born in such a family, day by day you accumulate demerits by doing unwholesome deeds which leads to being born in bad destinations. Our Great Teacher said if you are born in bad destinations you cannot accumulate merits. Do you know why? You cannot hear Supreme Dhamma, You will not be able to associate noble friends or get advice from the Sangha, You cannot do merits like offering dana, saving animals. This means if you are born in a bad destination, there is a high chance you will be born in bad destinations again because you cannot do good deeds. So my dear Dhamma Friends, do not miss this rare opportunity. While you are born in the human world, while you can see and associate with Maha Sanga, do many merits.

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