Thuparamaya, the oldest Stupa in Sri Lanka built after the introduction of Buddhism to Sri Lanka.

Significance of Thuparama Seya
- During this great era called the “Maha Badra Kalpa” (Great Fortunate Eon) which means a time period in which a maximum of five Buddhas can exist, four of the Buddhas resided at this place in deep concentration.
- In the past, the water filter cloth used by Kakusandha Buddha was enshrined here. The waist belt used by Koṇāgamana Buddha and the bathrobe used by Kassapa Buddha were also enshrined and built a stupa at the same place.
- Eight months after the enlightenment, on a Vesak full moon poya day our Supreme Buddha too, during the Buddha’s third visit to Sri Lanka accompanied by Arahants, rested at this same meritorious location in deep concentration.
After Supreme Buddha’s Parinibbana
- 236 years after the Buddha’s Parinibbāna (Supreme Buddha’s passing away to Nibbāna), Arahant Mahinda Thero came to the island of Sri Lanka.
- “Mahamevna Maha Viharaya” or the Great Mahamevna temple was accepted, and the Mihintale rock was accepted. After residing in Mihintale during the rains retreat the reason for wanting to go and visit India was to see the Supreme Buddha. If you can see the relics of the Buddha it is as if you’ve seen in person the Supreme Buddha.
- After realizing the reason, King Devanampiyatissa said: “I will build a big stupa. Bhantes, please bring the Sacred Relics of the Buddha to be enshrined.”
- Arahant Sumana Bhante went over to India and obtained from King Asoka, the bowl used by our Supreme Buddha for alms then filled the bowl with Sacred Relics and placed the Sacred Relics bowl in the Himalayan mountain. Afterwards, Arahant Sumana went over to visit Tāvatiṁsa heaven.
- After meeting with God Sakka in the Tāvatiṁsa heaven and explaining all the details about Sri Lanka, Arahant Sumana was also able to obtain the Sacred Right Collar Bone Relics that were enshrined in the stupa named ”Silumini”. After that, he went over to the missaka pavva.
- The name that existed before “Missaka pavva” was later on called the “Sae giriya chetiya”.
- The alms bowl with Sacred Relics was kept in the king’s castle and paid veneration.
- The alms bowl with Sacred Relics was taken around Sri Lanka and many stupas were built.
- Arahant Mahinda Thero, with the Sacred Right Collar Bone Relic, arrived at the city of Anuradhapura from the city of Mihintale.
- The Sacred Relics were kept on top of the royal tusker. The tusker stopped at the location where the Thuparamaya stupa was built.
- The King hurriedly brought clay from the lake which was called “Basawakkulama” and built a stupa.
- At the time the Sacred Relics were about to be enshrined in the stupa, the Sacred Relics rose to the sky and performed the Twin Miracle called “Yamaka maha prathiharya.”
How to Worship
- When you go to worship the Thuparamaya, worship the stupa that’s named “Padalanchana stupa” which is located in the lawn that’s called “Elagama”
- Nextly, visit the place where the Bo tree that’s named as “Agra pala Bodhiya”
- Worship the stupa where the Sacred Relics of the Most Venerable Arahant Sanghamitta Theri, are enshrined.
Stanzas to worship Thuparamaya
පත්තප්පමාණං මුනිරාජධාතුයෝ
නිධාය ධාතුංපි ච දක්ඛිණක්ඛං
දේවාදිතිස්සේන කතං හි ථූපා
රාමාභිධානං පණමාමි භත්Pattappamāṇaṃ munirājadhātuyo
Nidhāya dhātuṃpi ca dakkhiṇakkhaṃ
Devāditissena kataṃ hi thūpā
Rāmābhidhānaṃ paṇamāmi bhatyā
Directions to Thuparamaya
From Colombo: About 5 hours (206.6 km) A28 / Anuradhapura-Padeniya Highway
From Matara: About 6 hours (339 km)Via Southern Expressway
From the airport: About 4 hours (170 km)Via the A28