We’re always adding new things to the site. Checkout all of our videos, as well as our podcasts Monks in the Morning, Being Buddhist Podcast, Dhamma Kids Podcast, and Sound of Supreme Bliss.

Do This Before It’s Too Late! | P3 | Yowun Daham Sakmana ’24 | Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero
As time flies, are you truly satisfied with yourself? Learn how to pass time without regrets by taming your mind here! (11 mins)

What Do You Truly Prioritize? | P2 | Yowun Daham Sakmana ’24 | Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero
Think carefully. We are slaves to our body. Our body is our first priority… Or is it really? (6 mins)

Losing Your Ability to Focus? 🤯 | P1 | Yowun Daham Sakmana ’24 | Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero
Are you guilty of the crime of addiction to social media? Here’s your way out of that prison! (7 mins)
Steps to Remit Money from India
Steps to add an international account and transfer amount with SBI internet banking.
1 _”Cetanāhaṁ, bhikkhave, kammaṁ vadāmi. Cetayitvā kammaṁ karoti, kāyena vācāya manasā.” Oh monks, it is intention that I call kamma.Intentionally someone does an action by body and collects kamma.Intentionally someone speaks and collects kamma.Intentionally someone thinks things with the mind and collects kamma. 2 “Katamo ca, bhikkhave, kammānaṁ nidānasambhavo?”How does kamma form? “Phasso, bhikkhave, kammānaṁ…
Meditate With a Monk 26th June ’24 Recap
Yesterday, during the Meditate With a Monk programme, we learned how to remove our anger towards various people. We also learned that it is possible to remove our anger and resentment towards even our worst enemy and that it is only harmful to us, when we bear hatred and resentment. Arahant Sariputta teaches the five…

Dambadiwa Buddha Bhumi Vandana (දඹදිව බුද්ධ භුමි වන්දනා)
“Dambadiva Vandana” is a sacred pilgrimage of deep spiritual significance in Buddhist tradition. It refers to the act of paying homage and respect to the Four Holy Places associated with the life of Gautama Buddha

A Simple guide to Help you. ඔබගේ පහසුව සදහා සරල මාර්ගෝපදේශය ⏱️ Morning Sangha Dana: Around 5:45AM – 6:00AM (You can prepare any menu that is suitable for morning dana) ⏱️ Lunch Sangha Dana: Around 10AM We require time to prepare the Buddha Puja, set up Dhamma Hall, Dana Hall and prepare dana and set…

Chattamanavaka Gatha | The greatest protection one could get in his life
The heavenly result of recollecting the qualities of the Triple Gems wholeheartedly.

Something that you must understand in this era!
When greed overrules kindness even now, what will happen in the future? (24 mins)

The Miraculous Five Eyes of the Buddha (Pańcanētra)
The all-seeing eyes of the Supreme Buddha… sounds amazing? Wouldn’t you like to learn more? (19 mins)

Breaking Free from Addiction: A Path to Inner Peace
Tired of your additions? Don’t worry, there’s a solution to your suffering. (11 mins)