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The Power of Pirith Threads

A short part of a Dhamma sermon by our Most Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera on how human habitation began in Sri Lanka and about the great Power of Pirith thread.

Snp 2.1 Ratana Sutta: Jewels Discourse

This sutta was given by the Supreme Buddha when there was a great famine and infestation of dangerous non-human beings in Vesali. Still we chant this sutta for protection today.

AN 5.31 With Princess Sumanā

Learn about the power that giving has in our life, whether we are born the human world, in the heavenly world, or if we become a monk.

AN 7.67 Nagaropama Sutta, The Simile of the Citadel

“Mendicants, when a king’s frontier citadel is well provided with seven essentials and gets four kinds of sustenance when needed, without trouble or difficulty, it is then called a king’s frontier citadel that cannot be overrun by external foes and enemies. With what seven essentials is a citadel well provided? Firstly, a citadel has a pillar…

Sadu! Sadu! Mama Gautama Munindu Sarana Yanne

1. Rāga dvēsha mōha nometi – sitakin yutu vannē Endowed with a mind free of lust hatred and delusion, sil samādhi guṇa nuvaṇeti – nivan suvaya dannēBeing virtuous, wise with a concentrated mind, experiencing the happiness of Nibbana tun lova ven̆duman lebumaṭa – nitiyen himi vannēAlways worthy to receive reverential salutations from the beings from…

Aham Avero Homi: Traditional Loving-Kindness Phrases

Ahaṁ avero homiMay I be free from anger; abyāpajjho homimay I be free from ill will; anīgo homimay I be free from mental & physical suffering; sukhī attānaṁ pariharāmimay I look after myself and live happily. Ahaṁ viya myhaṁAs I am, āchari upajjhāyāso may my noble mentors, māthā pitharomy mother and father, hitha satthāfriendly beings,…