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Pv 1.12 The Snake: Uragapetavatthu

A beloved son of a family died but none of the family members cried at his death. The son, reborn as the god Sakka, came to the family disguised as an old man and asked them why they didn’t cry. Father: Just as the serpent sheds its old skin and abandons it, humans also abandon…

Esala English Sermon

The Esala full moon poya marks the anniversary of the Supreme Buddha’s preaching of the first sermon, the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta.

SN 42:11 Bhadraka Sutta

Learn how the Supreme Buddha wisely taught the second and third noble truth to a village headman by relating it to his personal experience.

Poson English Sermon

On the Poson full moon poya we celebrate and remember the great gift of Dhamma that Arahant Mahinda brought to the Land of Lanka. In this sermon we learn about the three people who arise in the world for the great benefit of all living beings: a Samma Sambuddha, an arahant disciple of the Supreme…

A True Investment Part – 3

In the final part of the Nidhikhanda Sutta we learn about the value of parents and the great power of good deeds.

The Story of Sukha the Novice: All Success Comes from Merit

Dear Dhamma friends, dear children, Some people only get the chance to collect merit very rarely. On that occasion, by thinking wisely, they do meritorious actions. If they don’t think wisely they will miss the chance. This story is about a wise person who took the greatest advantage from the opportunity he received. A long…

Watch: A True Investment – Part 2

When investing in good actions, we need to know a little bit about how they work. In this episode, we learn about how our actions are our only true possession. To illustrate this part of the Nidhikhanda Sutta, we will learn a very beautiful Dhammapada verse.

The Five Precepts

The Buddha taught us that ethics is the foundation for all of the good qualities we can develop in the mind. By following five basic training rules we can eliminate worry and regret that disturbs our meditation. As well, we avoid all the unpleasant results of unwholesome actions. Because this also has a positive benefit…

MN 20 The Removal of Distracting Thoughts; Vitakkasanṭhāna Sutta

Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. There he addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus.”—“Venerable sir,”they replied. The Blessed One said this: “Bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu is pursuing the higher mind, from time to time he should give attention to five signs. What are…