What’s New

We’re always adding new things to the site. Checkout all of our videos, as well as our podcasts Monks in the Morning, Being Buddhist Podcast, Dhamma Kids Podcast, and Sound of Supreme Bliss.

AN 9:17 Families

Many people are concerned about how to act around monks. This sutta from the Anguttara Nikaya (Numerical Discourses) explains good behaviour on the part of lay disciples. We may not have monks visit our homes, but we can still apply the principles to our interactions with monastics. “Mendicants, visiting a family with nine factors is…

MN 95: With Canki

So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was wandering in the land of the Kosalans together with a large Saṅgha of mendicants when he arrived at a village of the Kosalan brahmins named Opāsāda. He stayed in a sal grove to the north of Opāsāda called the “Gods’ Grove”. Now at that time…

Compassionate Almsround

Lay people offer dana out of compassion for monks. But did you know that monks also accept dana with compassion. Although he was a very powerful, senior monk, Arahant Maha Kassapa went out of his way to accept alms from the lowest in society who needed merit the most.

Come to our programs when you visit Sri Lanka

Even if you are just visiting Sri Lanka for a short time, we would love to have you learn about Buddhism and meditation with us. Our activities are a great way for you to meet and learn from people who have been practicing the Buddha’s teachings in a Buddhist culture. Find out what to expect…

Learning Meditation in English

At the most basic level, meditation in the Buddha’s teaching means training the mind. Training the mind to do what? To see things as they really are. Because this training in meditation is not specific to any time or place, we can easily learn this in English. The mind that has not been trained in…

Children’s English Poya-Day Dhamma Program

When: Every Poya-day national holiday (see below)Time: 7.00 am to 4 pmFor: Children 7-12 years old (NOTE: There are two adult/youth programs happening at the same time in the same venue, one in Sinhala and one in English.)Language: English Medium Where: Charted Institute of Personnel Management Meeting Hall No. 43 Vijaya Kumaranathunga Mawatha, Colombo 05.Cost: Free…

Vesak 2018 Celebrations in Colombo: Grand Vesak Mandira at the Nelum Pokuna Theatre

On April 29th, 30th & May 1st of 2018, in order for the innocent international school children and the English speaking people of Colombo as well as foreign visitiors to learn the true meaning of the Vesak celebrations, Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery presented a Grand Buddha Mandira with shrines and paintings depicting the Buddha’s life story…