The reasons for shortened life expectancy | Mirror of Dhamma for Kids

Have you ever heard of the noble duties of a universal king? These are provided righteous protection and security for your people in the mansion, provide righteous protection and security for your armies, provide righteous protection and security for your officers all over the earth, provide righteous protection and security for priests, provide righteous protection and security for all the people, provide righteous protection and security for recluses and provide righteous protection and security for animals and birds. Do not let injustice spread in the kingdom. Give money to the poor in the kingdom. The 8th king did not follow the duties of a wheel-turning monarch and ruled according to his own ideas. He didn’t give money to the poor in the kingdom.

From not giving money to the poor, poverty became widespread. When poverty was widespread, theft became widespread. When the theft was widespread, using swords became widespread. When using swords was widespread, killing became widespread, lying became widespread. When lying became widespread, backbiting became widespread. When backbiting became widespread, sexual misconduct became widespread. When sexual misconduct was widespread, harsh speech and idle chatter became widespread, when harsh speech and idle chatter became widespread, craving for others’ belongings and anger was widespread. When the craving for others’ belongings and anger became widespread, the wrong view was widespread, when the wrong view was widespread, excessive lust, immoral greed, and wrong beliefs became widespread. When excessive lust, immoral greed, and wrong beliefs became widespread, not taking care of mother and father, lack of respect for recluses, teachers and the elders in the family was widespread. Because these things were widespread, their lifespan and beauty declined. By doing those unwholesome deeds people’s lifespan gradually reduced from 80,000 to 100 years. When people’s lifespan was about 100 years our Great Teacher Supreme Buddha appeared to the world to save the last group of people. Our Supreme teacher advised us to roam inside our own territory, the domain of our father, the Supreme Buddha. If we roam inside our own territory, the domain of our fathers, Māra won’t catch us or get a hold of us. Have a strong determination to collect merits by practising wholesome qualities.

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